Reporting requirement according to “§ 5 Abs. 1 E-Commerce-Gesetz und Offenlegungspflicht gemäß Mediengesetz § 25”.
Company Name | Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH |
Street | Inffeldgasse 13 |
Zip/City | 8010 Graz |
Country | Austria |
Phone | +43 (0)316 873 30901 |
Fax | +43 (0)316 873 1030901 |
office[at] | |
Email for Invoices | invoice[at] |
Website | |
Correspondant Bank | Steiermärkische Bank & Sparkassen AG |
Account Number | 00001-444363 |
Bank Code | 20815 |
IBAN | AT652081500001444363 |
Commercial Register No. | 312899x |
Commercial register court | Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen Graz |
VAT Identification Number | ATU64272307 |
Registered Office | Graz |
Objective | Research and development in the area of pharmaceutical process- and product-development |
CEOs | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Khinast Mag DI Dr. Thomas Klein |
Chamber | Styrian Federal Economic Chamber |
Section | Production of drugs and poisons |
Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions can be ordered in German language under office[at] or per phone +43 (0) 316 873 30901.
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